Thursday, March 22, 2007

What's for Dinner?

Potato and leek Soup
French bread
mixed green salad

I haven't made soup in ages and today feels like a good day for it. I look forward to using some of the herbs from my garden. The fun thing about making soup is that it doesn't have to be the same every time. Simply adjusting the amounts of herbs will vary the flavor a great deal. I never measure anything, I just throw it in...taste...and adjust. If you don't have the confidence to try it that way, take a small amount of your base and season it to experiment. That way if you don't like it, you didn't ruin the whole dish.

Herb Garden

Herbs, Leeks, Potatoes, onion, celery

Chopped garlic, onions, celery, herbs

Quick Saute

Cooking with potatoes


Unknown said...

How cute, looks really good! your garden looks great too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Man I haven't talked to you in the heck are you?