Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Speaking of Monarchs

Woo Hoo! Monarch pillars eating my milkweed. I'm pretty excited about this because I planted the milkweed in hopes that one day the butterflies would find their way to my garden and we would be able to observe them up close and personal.

A few weeks ago while out in the garden, Ben and I watched a Monarch lay her eggs. I was hopeful that we would get to watch the development of the little darlings but the next day when I went to check on the eggs they were gone. I figured some kind of predator must have eaten the eggs and felt disheartened because I wanted Ben to see for himself what metamorphosis is all about. But yesterday I was happy to see that there are pillars, they are Monarchs, and so far everything is going well. Hopefully the pillars will survive and emerge in time before winter hits.

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